New Journey: LLEED Development Management Officer


After years of looking and waiting for a job where I can wholly apply the theories taught in my college, I landed on an organization that allows me to grow by giving me independence.

My previous job experiences exploited me for a penny. I gave my all to the organizations I became part of to help them achieve their goal. Unfortunately, I need to let go because I also have a goal for myself. I have a dream that I badly want to come true.

I went through depression because I am near the age I set to build a foundation for children to help them grow physically, mentally, emotionally, and even spiritually. I wrote that in my college blog. That's part of my vision when I made my dream board.

With my job today, I am confident that the vision I have will be achieved with the help of the people in the organization and other sectors (public/private/for-profit/not for profit). In my dream board, I am the owner of the organization, but it does not matter who the owner is. The only important thing is that I am part of an organization building enterprises that are aimed to stand the test of time. An organization with a vision to have a self-reliant community with sustainable livelihoods.

I do not have formal experience related to the job position I'll be given, but I have a lot of entrepreneurial experience shared in my previous blog posts. I read many relevant books, news, and other articles too. 

Although there is a fear within me that the project may fail, I will not stop working hard and give the best I have to help realize the vision of the organization. My fears lead me to wander several times to avoid the possible painful results. 

Today, in the organization I belong to, I will endure all the pain that I may experience from the struggles that may arise on the journey to the attainment of the organization's vision because they trusted in my capabilities. I will not let go this time because I found the organization that I longed for. After I submitted my outputs when I was just a Contract Service Worker in the organization, I was then automatically hired as a casual employee without putting in more effort (compared to my previous jobs).

In my previous jobs, my salary is below the minimum wage and it's often delayed no matter how long I work nor how my efforts resulted in positive impacts. I got used to being undervalued that I did not know my worth until I became part of this organization. I felt so blessed today and I am very humbled because of the people in the organization who believe in my capabilities.

May God grant us success.

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